Personalized Video On Demand:
Create a Lasting Connection

In a world dominated by digital communication, nothing beats the anticipation and impact of a face-to-face meeting.

Make your message stand out by sending a fully personalized video, crafted to express how much you’re looking forward to reconnecting in person. Whether it’s for business, friendship, or something more personal, this is your chance to create a memorable and heartfelt moment.

Let us help you deliver the perfect message, tailored to leave a lasting impression.


Just use the form below to enter your detail and your intended recipient's details. Let us know whether they are a friend, family-member or colleague and when, and why you are planning on meeting. Using this data, we'll generate a personalized video for them and send them an email on your behalf, giving them a link to come in and view it. You can also include a personal message to them, which we will only show to them when they watch the video.

Any data that you enter is only used for the purposes of this specific data. It is not reused, or shared with anyone.